This report presents findings from a pilot evaluation of the No Wrong Door model in Middlesbrough (known locally as Futures for Families). This was commissioned by the Department for Education as part of the Strengthening Families, Protecting Children (SFPC) programme.
No Wrong Door was developed by North Yorkshire County Council with support from the Department for Education’s Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme. The approach is delivered by an integrated multidisciplinary team providing support to young people in care or on the edge of care. This is delivered through a range of services, outreach, and accommodation options. Practice is strengths-based and restorative.
This pilot aimed to provide early insights into the rollout of No Wrong Door and inform the next phase of the evaluation by asking three key research questions:
We collected data through:
Many elements of the No Wrong Door model were implemented as planned in Middlesbrough’s Futures for Families service, even in the context of a global pandemic. This included having most of the intended staff team in place and trained in restorative and solution-focused ways of working. Practice was largely consistent with No Wrong Door’s Distinguishers, Provocations and Non-Negotiables.
Staff in Middlesbrough’s Futures for Families service were largely positive about the No Wrong Door model, and the training they had received. Staff found that having regular opportunities to bond as a team and regular reminders of the No Wrong Door principles helped their practice.
Families reported positive relationships with Futures for Families staff, and were positive about the intensive, responsive and flexible nature of the support provided.
There was also evidence that some elements of the No Wrong Door Model had begun to influence wider practice in children’s social care, although this was still in its early stages.
Some elements which were harder to implement included finding suitable foster placements, and ensuring attendance of multi-agency professionals at multidisciplinary meetings. Ensuring appropriate referrals were made to the service, and balancing hub placements with outreach support also provided some challenges.
This evaluation only captures the early stages of implementation of the No Wrong Door model. Interpretation of findings from this pilot evaluation should also consider that delivery of Futures for Families in Middlesbrough was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Based on what worked well in Middlesbrough as well as ways in which delivery could be improved, when introducing No Wrong Door in a new area, local decision-makers should: