Strategy 2023-2027 - Building the Foundations

We believe that a focus on strengthening family relationships for vulnerable children is a key part of how we can create a society in which children have the family or other close relationships they need to thrive in life. Our ambitious strategy sets out how we will generate and champion actionable evidence to deliver this mission.


Vulnerable children have the foundational relationships they need to thrive in live


Generating and championing actionable evidence that improves services to support family relationships

Our guiding principles

  1. We will actively pursue a preventative and early intervention approach in our work
  2. We will use robust and transparent evidence standards to generate and champion rigorous evidence
  3. We will seek change so that children and families have more power in how services work
  4. We will ensure our work actively promotes equality, diversity, inclusion, and equity
  5. We will work with partners to enact change

Our priority areas

  1. Supporting parenting
  2. Strengthening family networks
  3. Domestic abuse
  4. Relationships for care experienced children
  5. Service and practice models


  1. Generating and championing high-quality, actionable evidence about what works
  2. Influencing policy and practice to use evidence to drive better decision making
  3. Increasing demand for evidence about what works to improve family relationships

Better child outcomes through improved services

Building the Foundation

We have a clear approach – we will make a difference through: 

  1. Generating and championing high-quality, actionable evidence about what works 
  2. Influencing policy and practice to use evidence to drive better decision making 
  3. Increasing demand for evidence about what works to improve family relationships.  

We have five priority areas that make up 80 per cent of our work, leaving 20 per cent to be responsive to the changing policy environment. These areas were selected because they are areas where the problem is large-scale; there is policy interest; there is need for further evidence either to be generated and/or consistently used; and there is the best potential for achieving impact. 

Our priority areas are: 

  1. Supporting parenting 
  2. Strengthening family networks 
  3. Domestic abuse 
  4. Relationships for care experienced children 
  5. Service and practice models.

Across all of these priorities – and all of our work – we will be led by five guiding principles. We will: 

  • actively pursue a preventative and early intervention approach in our work 
  • use robust and transparent evidence standards to generate and champion rigorous evidence 
  • seek change so that children and families have more power in how services work 
  • ensure our work actively promotes equality, diversity, inclusion, and equity 
  • work with partners to enact change.

Watch our video to find out more from our Chief Executive, Dr Jo Casebourne, and previous Executive Chair, Josh MacAlister. 

Strategy Documents

May 7, 2024

The REACH Plan: A five-year plan to find out what works to prevent domestic abuse & support child victims

June 5, 2023

Building the Foundations: Our Strategy 2023-2027

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