Fatima Husain 

Head of Business Development, The National Centre for Social Research. Fatima has over 25 years of experience designing and delivering applied policy research studies, including evaluations. Her evaluation expertise lies in the facilitation of the development of intervention logic models and theories of changes, and in the design and conduct of implementation and process evaluations. Fatima had many years of experience working with government clients and different What Works Centres, having previously conducted evaluation research for the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). She is a member of evaluation advisory panels for EEF projects, and on a regular basis reviews protocols and reports for them. She is a Race Equity Associate for the YEF.  Fatima has delivered training on qualitative research methods, logic model development and IPE design, internally at NatCen and externally to government departments as well as for an MRS post-graduate qualification in market and social research. (Updated Jan-24)