Reducing Parental Conflict National Conference

Reducing Parental Conflict National Conference

March 21, 2024

This event took place on Thursday 21 March.

This event was open to Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) Coordinators and SPOCs only.

The conference provided an opportunity for those in SPOC and Coordinator roles to celebrate progress made over the past year of the RPC programme and share learning to inform future work.   

The agenda for the conference built on the themes identified by local areas in their planning tool returns and during the event we drew on examples to explore enablers and challenges to progress. The conference aimed to: 

  • Recognise progress and build motivation.  
  • Support RPC coordinators and SPOCs to engage with learning from local evidence.  
  • Provide practical suggestions for local RPC support and planning. 

The conference was structured around the learning from the planning tool here.


Timings Agenda item Description Speakers
10:05am-10:15am Welcome  Welcome attendees and set out the plan for the day. Dr Jo Casebourne, Foundations
10:15am-10:30am Setting the scene     Opening Address.       Louise Taylor, DWP
10:30am-10:35am Introduction to morning sessions A brief overview of the two morning sessions, participants allocated to their selected session. Bethan Le Maistre, Foundations
10:35am-12:35am   Session A: What are the enablers that are supporting progress?  An opportunity to reflect on progress: this session will be an opportunity to reflect on the enablers that were summarised throughout planning tool returns, to hear reflections from a Families First for Children Pathfinder area and through breakout rooms to consider areas of progress and factors that supported this.  Bethan Le Maistre, Foundations & Michael Taylor, Dorset Council
10:35am-12:35am   Session B: What does progress on community engagement look like?  One of the barriers identified through the planning tool was progress on community engagement. The session will consider a local area example with a focus on engaging community groups. A breakout room session will offer an opportunity to share ideas on progress and overcoming barriers around community engagement.  Kathryn Catterall, Foundations & Anna Elliott, Ealing Council
12:35pm-1:15pm Lunch 
1:15pm-1:25pm Welcome back & plan for the afternoon Recap morning sessions and set out plan for the rest of the day. Olivia Martin, Foundations
1:25pm-3:20pm   Session C: What does effective RPC strategic leadership look like?  One of the barriers identified through the planning tool was stop/start strategic leadership, this session will explore the role of family hubs in supporting effective strategic leadership and a local area example that explores the features of strong strategic buy-in for the RPC agenda. The breakout room will be an opportunity to consider barriers and enablers to effective RPC strategic leadership. Bethan Le Maistre, Foundations, Dr Abigail Miranda, National Centre for Family Hubs, and Mehnaz Malik & Mark Anslow, Bradford Children’s Trust
1:25pm-3:20pm   Session D: What does local evidence leadership look like? A further barrier identified through the planning tool was the need for stronger local evidence leadership. This session will consider a practical local example as well as the wider context for local evidence leadership including the structures that are in place to support this. The breakout room will be an opportunity to consider the barriers and enablers to effective RPC evidence use and leadership. Ben Lewing, Foundations, Nicola Wilder, Hertfordshire, and Julie Neill & Esther Jones, DWP
3:20pm-3:50pm Considerations for future planningThe final session will be an opportunity to hear more about local system pressures within an RPC context.Claire Owens, DWP
3:50pm-4:00pm Thank you & close (Ben Lewing, Foundations)

Slides & recordings

Opening session

Session A: What are the enablers that are supporting progress?

Session B: What does progress on community engagement look like?

Session C: What does effective RPC strategic leadership look like?

Session D: What does local evidence leadership look like?

Closing session

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