This protocol summarises plans for factors that should be considered when domestic abuse perpetrators are re-engaging with their children and families.
Domestic abuse is a prevalent issue in health and social care. In the year ending March 2022, the Crime Survey for England and Wales estimated that 5% of adults (6.9% women and 3% men) experienced domestic abuse. Statistics also indicate that the number of children affected by domestic abuse is continuing to grow, with almost 245,000 referrals to social services made for incidences of domestic abuse.
This protocol summarises plans for a qualitative study to assess the factors which influence a perpetrator’s ability to re-engage with their children and families in instances of domestic abuse. The study takes a novel approach to answering its research questions by conducting focus groups with perpetrators, survivors and professionals.
The delivery and evaluation partner for this is the University of Greenwich.
This study aims to undertake research which will aid the development of policies and protocols to support social workers and other professionals who are working with domestic abuse perpetrators re-engaging with their children. The research aims to answer the following questions: