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This project or publication was produced before or during the merger of What Works for Children’s Social Care (WWCSC) and the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF).
This paper calls on government to establish a long-term, cross-departmental fund dedicated to improving knowledge of what works to support child and adult victims of domestic abuse.
This paper draws on work we have carried out over the course of the year, designed to inform an ongoing programme for EIF focused on improving the support available to children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse.
We have looked at the current state of the evidence base through a review of systematic reviews and a call for evidence, at the barriers to evaluation through a brief literature review and interviews with academic and sector experts, and at the nature of current systems and practice through in-depth qualitative work in four local places.
We call on government to establish a long-term, cross-departmental fund dedicated to improving knowledge of what works to support child and adult victims of domestic abuse by: