
In this section of the hub you will find tools and resources that focus on evaluating all aspects of reducing parental conflict support from workforce training to support, and interventions and local case studies exploring evaluation projects.

Evaluating local RPC support encompasses how progress is understood, especially in the context of improving outcomes for children, young people and families. It also considers how evidence informs and shapes local practice and how this can be developed.

Outcomes and experience focuses on how progress in reducing the impact parental conflict on children is measured, and what the experience of support is like from the perspective of families. It includes using tools like an outcomes framework – specific to reducing parental conflict – or integrating measures of conflict and its impact within wider child and family outcome frameworks.

Evaluation is about how local partners find and apply external evidence on reducing parental conflict from research and practice, as well as generating robust local evidence where there is a need to innovate.

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East Midlands: Working as a region on reducing parental conflict

Walsall: Leading, planning and conducting an evaluation of reducing parental conflict training across the Black Country Partnership

Dorset: Developing and piloting a reducing parental conflict child’s voice measure

Tameside: Developing a shared outcomes framework for the local reducing parental conflict programme

How to evaluate training on reducing parental conflict: A practical guide for local areas

This practical step-by-step guide for local areas is designed to help make the process of conducting an evaluation of reducing parental conflict training more manageable and achievable. The provision of reducing…

Walsall: Developing a theory of change and logic model for a local reducing parental conflict intervention

Walsall: Developing a theory of change for local reducing parental conflict support

Reducing parental conflict: A practical evaluation guide for local areas

This guide is a practical tool to support your local area to evaluate activities aimed at reducing the impact of conflict between parents on children. Evaluation matters. It is important…

Using validated tools to measure parental conflict and its impact on children

This briefing provides a concise introduction and practical tips on selecting and using validated measures in services designed to help reduce the impact of harmful parental conflict. Based on our…

Measuring parental conflict and its impact on child outcomes

This practical guide has been developed to improve understanding of how to measure if the outcomes of the parents and children affected by parental conflict have improved after an intervention…

Other Resources

External links with helpful information & resources for strengthening your RPC support.